Your spine is the circuit board for your nervous system. The nerves that exit at the level of each vertebra of your spine travel to and innervate every gland, organ, muscle, and indeed, every part of your body. These nerves integrate, organize, and regulate all living processes.

Every vertebra that makes up your spine is like a circuit breaker, and your spine, as a whole, makes up the circuit breaker box. If there is a tripped circuit breaker in your house, whatever that circuit goes to isn't going to work - there's no electricity, no energy getting there. Your body is just like that - to get any part of your body to work it has to at least get nerve supply (electricity) from the nerves exiting the spine.

These tripped circuit breakers in your body are called subluxations. Chiropractic resolves subluxations through an adjustment to the spine and other joints in your body, thereby eliminating nerve interference. Without nerve interference, your body's innate intelligence is fully expressed and the inherent ability of your body to be self-healing and self-regulating is present.
3D Spine Simulator

•Spine Simulator
•Body Postures
"Look well to the spine for the cause of disease." ~Hippocrates
"Look well to the spine for the cause of disease." ~Hippocrates